One needs models: on being dad

I saw this first when Corban tweeted it (every cool music thing I hear comes from him first), but since then it's come at me from all kinds of people.  I love this, and I also love being a dad.…

A Harvest Table

For many years, my wife and I have wanted to get a harvest table.  Between cooking, eating, and home school we spend a lot of time as a family around a table.  Philosophically as well as practically, the central organizing role of a well-made table is important to the functioning…

Beyond Reality TV: The New Acting

The new acting requires new skills.  Where once an actor took a role in a film, television show, &c., the new acting disperses the subject across media, and increasingly, traditional, everyday media.  Where once the actor produced a body of work, the new acting is the body of the…

Learning to type

Learning to type, when I learned to type, meant learning to become a typist.  The premise on which typing was taught will, for some of you reading this, be foreign; there was a time when typing was a kind of suit that writers put on when it was time to…

What I'd do: software teams as indie bands

I've often thought that it would be interesting to see software teams do indie band style pictures along with their releases.  I'd like to see the people who write my software.  I know hundreds of people who release libraries and tools, apps, demos and games, drivers and converters and utilities--yet…

Return early, return often

I'm fixing some code we wrote for the Mouse Lock implementation, based on review comments.  I had forgotten how many of my colleagues teach our students that you should avoid multiple exit points from a function.  It meant that our implementation code had a bunch of deep nesting in order…


I write to myself in the future, when I retire, and in case I own a winery, chocolate or cheese shop;  at which time I want to remember to create a line of occasional fare, one very narrowly cast for a particular clientele, those appropriate only for particular occasions, and…

Holiday Reading

I'm coming to the end of my Christmas holidays.  It has been a very restful and slow time.  I've filled it with family, long, slow recipes, and reading.  I logged off irc, closed my mail program, ditched twitter, and allowed myself to become properly isolated from my daily routines. I…

The Canadian Apple TV Experience

For Christmas I bought my wife an Apple TV, which is the second generation of the device.  We've been using it for the past week, and I thought I'd share some of my thoughts on what it's like. tl;dr It's fantastic for movie rentals via iTunes, makes no sense…

Using LaTeX to publish a novel on Lulu

I'm going to blog about this because I can already feel myself forgetting key bits of the process.  You're welcome to the information too, but please note, dear reader, that I'm sure there are more appropriate ways to accomplish some of what I did. My friend Luke wrote a novel…