Git and Preparing for a 1.0

We're getting close to our goal of shipping Telescope 1.0.  As you get close to a big release, a few things happen.  First, a lot of things suddenly get finished and merges increase (you know the saying, "the last 10% is 90% of the work").  Second, the need for…

On Teaching Online, Week 2

I'm finishing up my second full week of 100% remote, online delivery of my courses.  It's hard to identify everything I'm feeling, not least because my personal and professional life are now so interconnected by a global health and economic crisis.  I do know that I'm deeply tired.One thing…

NSSSSSSO: Not So Simple Seneca SAML SSO

This week in Telescope development we hit a major milestone.  For the first time we were able to authenticate users in our app using Seneca's Single Sign-On (SSO) SAML authentication provider.  We even got Single Logout to work (don't ask me why that's even harder than login).One of our…

Teaching in the time of Corona

Like so many of my post-secondary colleagues around the world, I've been trying to figure out what it means to conduct the remainder of the Winter 2020 term in a 100% online format.  I don't have an answer yet, but here is some of what I'm currently thinking.CancelledIt seems…

Older, but not wiser

I made a mistake recently. You'd think I'd know better (in fact, I do know better).  Actually it's something I preach about so often, I thought I'd better do some penance in the form of a blog post.A colleague emailed me to tell me that all of her students'…

Shipping Telescope 0.6, Planning 0.7

0.6 Release RequirementsI've just been going through the students' work for our 0.6 release of Telescope.  In a previous post, I threw down a gauntlet and told the team I needed to be able to dogfood their code a staging server.  Specifically, for 0.6 I said:I…

How to do design reviews

This week a number of the Telescope developers have been trying to nail down a design for our frontend, such that we can make progress on our 0.6 release, and as Cindy put it, "give @humphd his dog food."We've spent a lot of time doing code review, and…

On Telescope 0.5 and Dogfooding

Winter 2020 Teaching This term I'm teaching a bunch of introductory web programming classes (WEB222), and also the second open source course (OSD700, DPS911).  I really enjoy teaching all of these courses, and doing them together is an interesting challenge.The courses are completely different, and exist at opposite ends…

Teaching Open Source, Fall 2019

Today I've completed another semester of teaching open source, and wanted to write something about what happened, experiments I tried, and what I learned.This fall I taught the first of our two open source classes, cross-listed in our degree and diploma programs as OSD600 and DPS909.  This course focuses…

What is a blog post?

I've been working on some RSS/Atom blog aggregation software with my open source students.  Recently we got everything working, and it let me do an analysis of the past 15 years of blogging by my students.I wanted to answer the question, "What is a blog post?"  That is,…