Experiments with audio, part X

I’m working with an ever growing group of web, audio, and Mozilla developers on a project to expose audio data to JavaScript from Firefox’s audio and video elements. Today we show you how much JavaScript can really do. Since my last post, quite a few new people have…

1to100.js -- a first computer program

I wrote a lot of code this week, and there's much I could share about what I did and how I did it.  But only one of the programs has occupied my mind and stayed with me until now, and I want to say something about it. My five year…

View Source as Musical Innovation

I've been interested to watch the flood of reactions around the web to our latest demos and audio experiments.  Here are a few: Al MacDonald lays out a history and potential future for our work Article in Create Digital Music, "Real Sound Synthesis, Now in the Browser; Possible New…

Experiments with audio, part IX

I’m working with an ever growing group of web, audio, and Mozilla developers on a project to expose audio spectrum data to JavaScript from Firefox’s audio and video elements. Today we show what we did at www2010. I'm in Raleigh, North Carolina, with Al MacDonald for the www2010…

"Tomorrow will be like today, only more so"

While I waited for my car at the mechanics', I sat with a family who also waited.  Their conversation has stayed with me for the rest of the day, and I find it sad even now to type it out: Child, pointing to the Catholic Church down the street: "…

We make stuff

I had dinner last week with a few friends, and one of the things we discussed was cognitive surplus.  I commented on the recent explosion of tweets and blog posts about the iPad, and how it will usher in the end of tinkering as we know and love it.  It's…

On Lying

Lying is one of these terms and ideas that compels me to think, since it is so well understood that we no longer give it any thought.  In particular, I've been trying to situate the lie as such, and understand not only where it exists, but how. First, let me…

One for the road

Every year at about this time, our girls start telling us that it's time to go clean-up the garbage along the road in front of our property.  It's a fairly long stretch of busy road, and being out in the middle of nowhere, drivers tend to be on their worst…

Thoughts on the death notice

On its page for Obituary, Wikipedia states: An obituary is a death notice which often includes an attempt by an author, publication, or news organization to give an account of the life of someone considered significant who has recently died. It can, however, be simply a death notice (also known…