Mozilla and Education, Fall 2009 edition
Today, as students and professors make their way to a new set of classes, we reopen Mozilla Education for Fall 2009. Last year we had more than 60 students from around the world get involved in Mozilla projects as part of their course work. We saw both individual students looking for a chance to practice what they were learning in their studies, as well as professors wanting to bring whole classes to the community. We saw existing Mozilla courses expand, and new ones flourish. We welcomed many computer science students, and an equal number of design and HCI students to Mozilla. We worked with the community to find and create potential student projects, formalizing this categorization in the Mozilla bug system. Most importantly, we made Mozilla's name synonymous with student involvement and educational opportunity for real world collaboration.
This fall we're going to do it again, and we hope to do more. Already we have relationships established with a number of schools around the world who want to get their students started on Mozilla, and others looking for information on how they can do it too. We're eager to help them succeed and open to others contacting us.
Here's some of the ways you can reach us and find out more:
- Over the summer, James worked on the Mozilla Education site, getting it ready for people to come and find out more about what we do and how to get involved.
- The Mozilla Education irc channel (#education on moznet) is one of the most active places for our community, and a great starting point. If you're new to irc, start here.
- The Mozilla Education mailing list (also available as a Google Group) is another great way to find us.
- Every Monday at 8:00 am PST we hold a public status call, and you're welcome to join it.
We're happy to speak with individual students, student project groups, professors, or institutional administrators. In all cases there are interesting ways to get involved and become part of Mozilla and the work we do.
It's going to be an exciting fall, and we look forward to having you be part of it.