Messing with MessageChannel

We're getting close to being able to ship a beta release of our work porting Brackets to the browser. I'll spend a bunch of time blogging about it when we do, and detail some of the interesting problems we solved along the way. Today I wanted to talk about a patch I wrote this week and what I learned in the process, specifically, using MessageChannel for cross-origin data sharing.

Brackets needs a POSIX filesystem, which is why we spent so much time on filer.js, which is exactly that. Filer stores filesystem nodes and data blocks in IndexedDB (or WebSQL on older browsers). Since this means that filesystem data is stored per-origin, and shared across tabs/windows, we have to be careful when building an app that lets a user write arbitrary HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that is then run it in the page (did I mention we've built a complete web server and browser on top of filer.js, because it's awesome!).

Our situation isn't that unique: we want to allow potentially dangerous script from the user to get published using our web app; but we need isolation between the web app and the code editor and "browser" that's rendering the content in the editor and filesystem. We do this by isolating the hosting web app from the editor/browser portion using an iframe and separate origins.

Which leads me back to the problem of cross-origin data sharing and MessageChannel. We need access to the filesystem data in the hosting app, so that a logged in user can publish their code to a server. Since the hosted app and the editor iframe run on different origins, we have to somehow allow one to access the data in the other.

Our current solution (we're still testing, but so far it looks good) is to put the filesystem (i.e., IndexedDB database) in the hosting app, and use a MessageChannel to proxy calls to the filesystem from the editor iframe. This is fairly straightforward, since all filesystem operations were already async.

Before this week, I'd only read about MessageChannel, but never really played with it. I found it mostly easy to use, but with a few gotchas. At first glance it looks a lot like postMessage between windows. What's different is that you don't have to validate origins on every call. Instead, a MessageChannel exposes two MessagePort objects: one is held onto by the initiating script; the other is transferred to the remote script.

I think this initial "handshake" is one of the harder things to get your head around when you begin using this approach. To start using a MessageChannel, you first have to do a regular postMessage in order to get the second MessagePort over to the remote script. Furthermore, you need to do it using the often overlooked third argument to postMessage, which lets you include Transferable objects. These objects get transferred (i.e., their ownership switches to the remote execution context).

In code you're doing something like this:

 * In the hosting app's js
var channel = new MessageChannel();
var port = channel.port1;


// Wait until the iframe is loaded, via event or some postMessage
// setup, then post to the iframe, indicating that you're
// passing (i.e., transferring) the second port over which
// future communication will happen.
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("here's your port...",

// Now wire the "local" port so we can get events from the iframe
function onMessage(e) {
  var data =;
  // do something with data passed by remote
port.addEventListener("message", onMessage, false);

// And, since we used addEventListener vs. onmessage, call start()
// see

// Send some data to the remote end.  
var data = {...};

I'm using a window and iframe, but you could also use a worker (or your iframe could pass along to its worker, etc). On the other end, you do something like this:

 * In the remote iframe's js

var port;
// Let the remote side know we're ready to receive the port
parent.postMessage("send me the port, please", "*");

// Wait for a response, then wire the port for `message` events
function receivePort(e) {
  removeListener("message", receivePort, false);
  if( === "here's your port...") {
    port = e.ports[0];
    function onMessage(e) {
      var data =;
      // do something with data passed by remote
    port.addEventListener("message", onMessage, false);
    // Make sure you call start() if you use addEventListener
addEventListener("message", receivePort, true);


// Send some data to the other rend
var data = {...};

Simple, right? It's mostly that easy, but here's the fine print:

  • It works today in every modern browser except IE 9 and Firefox, where it's awaiting final review and behind a feature pref. I ended up using a slightly modified version of MessageChannel.js as a polyfill. (We need this to land in Mozilla!)
  • You have to be careful with event handling on the ports, since using addEventListener requires an explicit call to start which onmessage doesn't. It's documented, but I know I wasted too much time on that one, so be warned.
  • You can safely pass all manner of data across the channel, except for things like functions, and you can use Transferables once again, for things that you want to ship wholesale across to the remote side.
  • Trying to transfer an ArrayBuffer via postMessage doesn't work right now in Blink

I was extremely pleased to find that I could adapt our filesystem in roughly a day to work across origins, without losing a ton of performance. I'd highly recommend looking at MessageChannels when you have a similar problem to solve.